Write A Cheating Number Guessing Game Cod Java

  • An init function begins the game. The init function initializes the game. It is called when the program first begins and again when the user wants to start over. Another function is attached to the button. When the user clicks the Check Your Guess button, the current user’s guess is compared to the right answer, and a hint is returned to the user.
  • Much of the work in game development happens before you begin programming. If you design the game well, the programming is much easier to do. A game design helps you understand many things about the game before you begin writing code: General layout: While the layout isn’t completely decided by this drawing, it’s easy to see the general look.
Java random number guessing game

Number Guessing Program Java

In this Java tutorial, we will learn to make an interesting game in Java. This game is basically known as guess the number game. So be ready to learn how to create Guess the number game in Java easily. I hope you will like it.

In this Java tutorial, we will learn to make an interesting game in Java. This game is basically known as guess the number game. So be ready to learn how to create Guess the number game in Java easily. I hope you will like it. A number guessing game in Java. Here is the source code for our “.java” file.

A number guessing game in Java

Here is the source code for our “.java” file

Number Guessing Game Java Set 3 Turns


  • First, you have to take a random number and store it to an integer type variable. For that I user Random() Method.
  • Then get the number from the user.
  • Compare that number with the Random number.
  • Just use your own logic and limitation of turns and range for the user.
  • For score system, you can follow my approach either you can use your own

This Guess the number game can be played easily and need only one player because on the other end there will be a computer playing with you.

Javascript Guessing Game Code

Random() method is used to pick a random number. Random_number.nextInt(100); here 100 denotes that the random number range will be bounded by 100.

int turn is initialized to zero so that it can count the number of turns user has used to guess the right answer. For each iteration, the value of turn will be increased by 1 as we put turn++ in our loop.

The integer “i” is used to count the turns the user has left to guess the number.


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* User: fuzion
* Date: 12/26/13
* Time: 10:14 AM
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publicclassGame {
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){
System.out.println('Hello and welcome to my number guessing game.');
System.out.println('Pick a number: ');
Scanner inputnum =newScanner(System.in); //This number will be the max number the player has to guess too.
int maxnum;
maxnum = inputnum.nextInt();
Random rand =newRandom();
int number = rand.nextInt(maxnum);
int tries =0; //Will increase depending on how many tires it takes
Scanner input =newScanner(System.in);
int guess;
boolean win =false;
while (win false){ //This while loop false the code with in it repeat until win true
System.out.println('Guess a number between 1 and '+ maxnum +': ');
guess = input.nextInt();
tries++; //Increasing the number set in the variable tries by 1
if (guess number){
win =true; //Since the number is correct win true then ending the loop
//First thing the guess is compared too
elseif(guess < number){
System.out.println('Number is to low, tray again');
//2nd thing guess is compared too.
elseif(guess > number){
System.out.println('Number is to high, try again');
//3rd thing guess is compared too.
System.out.println('You win!');
System.out.println('It took you '+ tries +' tries.');
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